high-quality water-repellent fabric
Perhaps all of us have experienced that unfortunate event when we get caught in a downpour, and it leads to our things getting drenched. When it's simply your clothes it is rectifiable, but as soon as you introduce electronics into the situation, then it is another thing entirely. We wanted to make sure you are future-proofed against having any of your devices rendered out of action in such a scenario by making sure our Ulsan range comes with high-quality water-repellent fabric. So, no matter the weather, you can head out and attack your day with confidence.
Protective plush interior
The interior of this Ulsan range will keep your device housed in the safest of conditions. We all want to be able to open up our laptop at our next meeting, free from scratches and blemishes, and so give the best possible impression to those around us. It can be these very small details which make the difference in business, after all. But keeping up our appearance is a good mind-set for any of us - from student to merely those travelling on holiday. Your plush protective interior will ensure just this and keep you as neat and tidy as possible.
Additional flap-over corner protectors
One way that many laptops become damaged is from being knocked about, not simply when it is out of its case, but also when it is loose within a bag. That is why we have made sure your laptop will fit snugly in place and secure with the additional flap-over corner protectors of this Ulsan sleeve. This will mean that when you are in a rush, and perhaps being slightly less careful with your sleeve, or when that friend of yours decides to accidentally knock your sleeve off the table - you can be certain that your device will remain safe.
Front zipped pocket
The front zippered pocket of this Ulsan range gives you a functional solution to an everyday problem. We all need to be able to slip away things like a phone or a wallet or a pen, and at the same time be able to get to them at a moment's notice. You do not want to be opening up the main compartment of your sleeve every time you need to do that. That is where the front pocket comes in handy, meaning that you are not delayed during your day and can instead make the most out of it.