100% leakproof
Any user of any picnic bag or water cooler will know that spillages inside the bag are inevitable. When carrying around large numbers of fluids or when discarding empty packets and bottles after you've finished, or simply when you're carrying ice with you, it is very difficult to avoid liquids ending up in the bag. What is essential though is to prevent these liquids leaking into your car or out of the bag and onto your clothes. That is why we have ensured that our cooler bags are 100% leakproof. So you can continue on your trip in the peace of mind that neither your car nor your clobber will be made dirty.
Dirt-resistant and water repellent fabric
It is important when choosing a cooler bag to make sure that it has been designed to be ergonomically effective in the conditions you will use it in. Too many times we have seen and used bags that seem to be better designed for the high-street than for the hike up the hill. With this Torngat bag however, we have made sure that it is perfectly suited to the outdoor and rugged conditions it might find itself in. That is why we have created it out of a dirt-resistant and water-repellant fabric, so that should you end up in a muddier area or get caught out in a shower, your bag won't become dirty or weigh you down.
Compact storage system
The problem with hard-cased cooler bags, but really any cooler bag in general, is that you aren't necessarily using it every day. And because of this, you want to be able to store it away efficiently. Even the best cooler bag in the world can become a hindrance if it is taking up too much space in your home. That is why this Torngat range is foldable, meaning that it will require far less space. Carefully designed, the compact storage system of the bag will mean that you can quickly and easily tuck it away in your cupboard or storage space and know that your bag isn't taking up more than its fair share of room.

Three outer pockets
Sometimes, when you're making a trip to the park, you don't want to be carrying too many bags with you. Really you just want the one bag so you can travel efficiently, carefree and with ease. The problem is though if you have to take a cooler bag, you don't want to be putting your wallet, keys or phone in amongst all your picnic and fluids. That can be a recipe for disaster. To help circumvent this issue we have made sure that this Torngat bag comes with three outer pockets so that you simply slip away your other smaller but vital possessions and head out on your trip with everything you need.

Internal mesh zippered pocket
Often cooler bags aren't just used for carrying beer, wine or ice, but are useful to keep food cool and fresh for a picnic. And often picnics require a series of accouterments to help make it the perfect experience. Plastic or wooden cutlery is a classic example, or even a corkscrew. These are the kind of things that you don't want to be scrabbling around for at the bottom of your bag, where you will probably eventually find them damaged or missing. Instead, we have provided an internal mesh zippered pocket so you can simply slip your items away and know where they are at all times.
Light color melange fabrics
All aspects of this bag have been designed to make the cooler bag as helpful and easy to use as possible. This is a cooler bag for those that like to keep things simple and effective. Therefore even the fabric, made from a delightful melange material, has been specially chosen for its light color to reduce heating under the sun. It strikes us as strange that so many cooler bags insist on creating their designs out of dark materials when this so clearly contributes to the bag heating by absorbing thermal light. This bag instead combines aesthetics with functionality to keep you looking good and your bag's contents cool.
RIVACASE rubber logo
At RIVACASE we believe that our products do all the talking. We don't spend all our time on our marketing because we believe in the things we make and we know that they speak for themselves. The best marketing strategy you can have is to build things that will last and which customers can rely on. That is why when it comes to placing our logos on our products, we like them to reflect this same ethos. As you can see here with this Torngat range a long-lasting and understated RIVACASE rubber logo perfectly fits in with the bag's design, and, as will all RIVACASE products, it is built with longevity in mind.
Reliable adjustable shoulder strap
When going out for a trip in the local national park, or on a hike up a hill to catch a good view, or even when just going for a picnic on a local patch of grass, choosing the right spot can take some doing. You need to factor in how much sun the spot's getting, is it too overcrowded, are there any irritating insects or a host of other different factors. As such you may end up carrying your bag around with you for extended periods. To help make this period as easy for you as possible this RIVACASE bag comes with its own reliable adjustable shoulder strap so you can make sure your journey to the spot you choose is as enjoyable as the drink you have when you get there.
Durable RIVACASE pullers
There is nothing worse than a bag that is made with cheap and flimsy pullers. It can really ruin the picnic and thus your whole day if your bag splits en route leading to you having to ditch certain items. When taking food or drink out with you on a journey you need to be able to depend on the bag you're using. That is why we have made sure with this Torngat bag that it has been designed with durable RIVACASE pullers so that you can be robust with your bag if you need to be and yet still rest safe in the knowledge that you can depend on it time in time out.